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Candidate Information

Candidate Name Committee Name Office Party Income Expense IE For IE Against

PAC Information

Name Income Expense

Party Information

Name Income Expense

Organization Information

Name Expense Entity Descriptor City State Zip Code

Independent Expenditure Information

Affected Committee IE For IE Against

Independent Expenditure Information

Name Proposition For Proposition Against

Individual Information

Name Last Name # of Entities Amount

Vendor Information

Vendor Name Amount

Contribution Information

Date Committee Name Amount Name Address Transaction Type Contributor Type Occupation Employer City State Zip Code Memo

Independent Exepnditures

Date Committee Name IE For IE Against Contributor

Advanced Search Results

Entity Type Id Entity Type Name

Demographic Information

Taxes Previously Filed - 990s (data provided by

Year Revenue Expenses Net Income Assets Liabilities Net Assets Tax Filings

Reports Previously Filed

Report Due Date Date Filed Report Name Report Filings Status